4: Certificate of African Musicology and Ethnomusicology

This strand includes 3 Modules

  • History and background to African culture
  • Folklore and original narratives
  • Leadership Structure

This Course is delivered over 6 weeks


The overall goal of this course is to open the window to interdisciplinary research at the boundary of theory and the practical knowledge bias towards results related to the original tribal reality and experience through the efforts of translating complex and rooted culture ideas in context to ethnomusicology. The course showcases the type of problems interesting musicologists, ethnomusicology, anthropologists, travellers, peace builders and development workers as well as internal diplomats and businessmen; fostering communication and collaboration between researchers from radically different backgrounds.

Module 1: Back Ground and History

  • Social Structure and Governance
  • The Law and the land
  • Judiciary action and discipline

Instrument of Assessment:

Short Essay and contribution to on line discussion


  • An enhanced understanding of background and history of their societal structures, communication and how the people are governed, infrastructure and public duties.


Module 2: the Roles of Music

  • Spirituality and Music
  • Social Life and Music
  • Politics and Music

Instrument of Assessment:

Short Essay and contribution to on line discussion


  • How the people develop, regard the law of the land and how these are communicated and implemented in the society.



Module 3: Instrumentation and Rhythms

  • Voice and Chant
  • Percussions and Rhythms
  • Orchestration and Performance

Instrument of Assessment

Short Essay and contribution to on line discussion


  • A greater awareness of vocals and their creative applications, vocal harmonies, melodies creation, chants and ad lib.
  • A more developed understanding of percussion instruments classification, rhythms drill including the basic arrangement, orchestration and production of African.


  • An informed view of how these are orchestrated for all musicians, singers and audience.